The Kites to Southeast Asia Coalition (comprised of APSC, CERI, MN8, NBF, and New Light Wellness) put together this resource document for readers to learn more about Southeast Asian deportations and ways to take action.



Thank you for your interest in learning more about the history of Southeast Asian refugees and the U.S. prison-to-deportation pipeline. Below, you’ll find a list of resources about Southeast Asian deportations. This is not exhaustive, and we will continue to refresh this content as we come across new information.



Articles & Books


Reports and Briefs

from The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)





  • APSC4: Borey “Peejay” Ai, Nghiep “Ke” Lam, Chanthon Bun, and Maria Legarda make up the APSC 4 and are at risk of deportation. Tell Governor Newsom to pardon them NOW so they can remain home with their families and community. The APSC 4 are childhood survivors of violence and trauma. As youth, they were subjected to bullying, poverty, war, and domestic violence. As a result, they were funneled into the criminal legal system. During their incarceration, they became positive leaders inside, completed several self-help programs, and even got educational certificates. They all earned their release from the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (CDCR). After the Board of Parole Hearings and the Governor affirmed that all members were suitable for release, CDCR contacted Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) to attempt to deport them instead of allowing them to come home to their communities.
  • HomeAct (AB1306): AB 1306, the Harmonizing Our Measures for Equality (HOME) Act, authored by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo, would ensure that Californians are not excluded based on where they were born from benefiting from criminal justice reforms that were passed by this legislature. The HOME Act would prevent the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) from transferring to federal immigration authorities individuals who have earned release through these reforms.


Organizations & Other Resources


2023 Kites to Southeast Asia Delegation